Copier Program

By centralizing copier administration, we are able to pass along beneficial discounts to you, including all equipment acquisition, maintenance, and supply costs.

The University strongly recommends that departments acquire a multi-function device (MFD) (i.e. copier that prints, scans and if necessary fax).  By acquiring a MFD the department/school minimizes its maintenance spend by eliminating the need to have multiple maintenance contracts for each piece of equipment. 

All MFD leases and purchases are managed by Columbia Print through the University’s approved Lessor for office equipment (Ricoh USA, Inc – Current Lessor & Equipment Supplier). Departments/schools are billed by Columbia Print on a monthly basis through IDI eliminating the need for  requisitions when acquiring leased or purchased MFD’s through Columbia Print. See instructions below on “How to Order a Copier” to initiate the purchase and/or lease of a MFD. 


Columbia Print in partnership with Ricoh USA is committed to reducing its environmental impact by incorporating many sustainable practices into everyday operations.  

Ricoh products and services support Columbia's sustainability goals.

Whether your goal is to save paper, reduce energy consumption, keep reusable materials out of landfills or all the above — elevating your school or department’s sustainability efforts while enhancing productivity and lowering costs is well within your reach. 

Check out the Environmental Features and Programs Guide for quick tips on saving paper, energy and resources straight from your office MFP.

DID YOU KNOW? The average employee prints 6 wasted pages per day. That amounts to 1,410 wasted pages per year per person! This “Green To Do Guide” contains some interesting stats and valuable tips for reducing waste

Return your used Ricoh toner bottles and cartridges FOR FREE!

By sending back your used genuine supplies, you support sustainable business practice. Ricoh’s take back programs provide an easy way to win back resources.

Ricoh Secure Print Release

Reduce wasted and abandoned print by an average of 30%

Authenticate at the device using a card you already have (campus ID, etc.)

Utilize card authentication or pin code to access secure print jobs at the printer

HIPAA compliant secure print prevents confidential documents from being printed and left unattended

Do You Qualify?

To qualify for lease, each MFD must meet the following criteria:

  1. Each lease must have a minimum order value of $2,500 per equipment cost and per location.

  2. Lease Term will be based on equipment values:
    a. Equipment with values of $2,500 - $34,999 will be at a maximum term of three (3) years.
    b. Equipment with values over $35,000 will be at a maximum term of four (4) years.

  3. It is not advantageous to lease office equipment for periods longer than four (4) years due to wear and tear and rapidly changing technology.

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Paperless Statements

In our ongoing effort to be sustainable, Columbia Print is no longer printing copier charge statements. To review your monthly charges, go to ARC FDS Reporting to see charges in the “Transaction Description/Vendor Name” column. Charges for copier maintenance are debited to account #63290 and charges for copier lease fees are debited to account #63293. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

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Is Your Copier Printing Spam?

If your copier is spam printing (spontaneously printing unwanted pages), please contact your Ricoh technician for quick resolution. Spam printing issues on other print devices (i.e. printers, faxes) should be reported to your local IT office. 

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Meter Reading

Meter reads are collected monthly via remote pull by Columbia Print. If unable to pull, Print will reach out to departments to assist with the meter read.

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Sustainability Success Stories

Ricoh featured the Columbia University School of Nursing and the CUIMC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in its Sustainability Success Stories publication. Learn more about how the departments reduced their environmental impacts through partnering with Ricoh and Columbia Print.

How to place an order:

  • Choose A Copier

    Review the list of available copiers above to choose one that best meets your departmental needs.

  • Request a Price Quote

    Send an email to [email protected] requesting a price quote or further information. A customer service representative will contact you within 24 to 48 hours to review your needs. You can also schedule a site review to have any space, electronic, or networking concerns surveyed in person.

  • Review Final Quote

    Review the final quote sent from customer service representative.

  • Financial Approval

    To order, have your DAF (financial approving officer) send an email with complete chartstring, which will act as departmental financial authorization, along with a copy of final quote to [email protected] or faxed to (212) 854-4421 for processing. Estimated delivery from this point is generally 3 to 5 weeks, depending on copier inventory status and accessories ordered/copier configuration.

  • Schedule Delivery

    Upon receipt of purchase order, your customer service representative will work directly with you to schedule delivery and installation (generally 2 to 4 weeks), including any requirements for network administrator support.  

  • Billing

    Columbia Print will bill you upon successful completion of install for total purchase price or first month lease through IDI. Subsequent lease payments and maintenance charges will be billed monthly.